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Choose Your Bur-A Dentist’s Guide to Picking the Perfect Dental Burs

Dental burs are those little drill bits that help dentists work their magic, but they definitely aren’t one-size-fits-all. Choosing the right bur is kind of like a mechanic selecting the perfect wrench for a car repair. You need the right tool for the job!

In this article, we’ll walk you through the tooth terrain and help you select the ideal dental bur vehicle to navigate it smoothly. Time to get your driver’s permit for the world of dental drills!


First Stop: Location, Location, Location! 

The neighborhood you’re working in determines the ideal dental bur. Molars are big boys, so grab a larger, heavy-duty bur with an aggressive grit to grind through substantial tooth structure.

Incisors and canines are more delicate areas. Navigate them with a small, precisely shaped bur with a fine grit that can intricately contour without damaging tooth integrity.

Next Stop: Materials Management

The composition of the tooth sets the course for our selection. Composite resin fillings respond best to diamond burs, which finely polish resin materials without overheating.

For strong metal amalgam fillings, you need a carbide bur that can stand up to the rugged alloy.

And for lustrous zirconia crowns, take a stainless steel bur for a smooth ride that won’t scuff or scratch the surface.


Last Stop: Destination in Mind 

The desired end result should ultimately guide your choice of bur. Removing decay and prepping for a crown? Take an explorative trek with a round-tipped diamond bur to excavate and shape.

If you just need to gently recontour or polish, a football-shaped finishing bur can help you putter to perfection.            


Avoid Bumps in the Road: Consider Comfort!

To ensure a peaceful, pain-free ride, choose a bur with a smooth neck that won’t irritate cheeks and reduced vibration. Also, consider noise - turbine-powered drills tend to run quieter than belt-driven ones.

And of course, numb it up with anesthesia beforehand!

Consult the Locals

If you ever feel disoriented in the bur aisle, ask colleagues or manufacturers to point you in the right direction. They can help you select the ideal bur for each patient’s unique oral topography.


Now get out there and start your engines!

 Let us know if you need any other tips for choosing dental burs.
